BISP disbursed over Rs50b among 4.7m beneficiaries

The Benazir Income Support Programme has disbursed over fifty billion rupees among over four million seven hundred thousand beneficiaries from across the country so far.

The disbursement of the quarterly tranche from April to June 2024 of Benazir Kafaalat cash assistance to the beneficiaries is continued across the country in two phases to disburse ten thousand five hundred per household among over nine million registered beneficiary families.

The beneficiaries can receive their payment through the nearest centers after receiving the message from 8171.The beneficiaries, in case of any complaint, can approach the nearest BISP Tehsil offices or call the toll-free helpline number 080026477 of the Benazir Income Support Program.

The special control room has been activated in the BISP headquarters to address the complaints of the beneficiaries promptly.

Source: Radio Pakistan