Caretaker Chief Minister (CM) Mohsin Naqvi inaugurated the groundbreaking ceremony for the country’s tallest flagpole at Liberty Chowk, Lahore on Monday. During the ceremony, he announced that the national flag would be raised on it soon. The project will be funded by the private sector, said the CM.
Responding to a query, he clarified that rallies on independence day would only be permitted if they incorporated the national flag. The cost of the 500-foot-tall flagpole is estimated to be around Rs. 400 million. However, pending soil testing results, there is a possibility that the height could be increased to 672 feet.
In honor of independence day, CM Naqvi hoisted the national flag at Lahore Fort’s Alamgiri Gate. He praised scouts and schoolchildren who presented melodious tunes in Huzuri Bagh, where the surroundings were adorned with the national colors of green and white.
The musical performances included Atif Aslam’s rendition of ‘Tajdar-e-Haram,’ students singing ‘Es Parcham Kay Saey Talay Hum Aik Hain’ and other national songs, and violinist Najat Ali captivating the audience with ‘Ae Mere Pak Watan.’ Special needs children contributed to the festivities by singing ‘Chand Roshan, Chamkata Sitara Rahe.’
During his speech, the caretaker CM emphasized the crucial role of youth in shaping Pakistan’s future. He stressed their responsibility to drive the nation’s progress. He urged government officials, teachers, and doctors to fulfill their duties with integrity and punctuality, highlighting that collective efforts were the key to advancement.
Source: Pro Pakistani