Number of 4G Sites in Pakistan Increased by 26% in Last 2 Years

The number 4G sites in the country increased by 26.31 percent in the last two years, while 3G sites have increased by 7.24 percent. From 2021 to 2023, the number of 2G sites in the country climbed by 11.97 percent, according to documents available with ProPakistani.

In the year 2023, the total 4G sites in the country increased to 50,695. The 4G sites in the year 2022 were 46,285 whereas there were 40,135 4G sites in the country in 2021.

According to the document, in the year 2023, the number of 3G sites in the country stood at 45,486, whereas in the years 2022 and 2021, the number of 3G sites was 44,198 and 42,412 respectively.

Similarly, in the year 2023, the number of 2G sites in the country stood at 53,458. Whereas in the years 2022 and 2021, the number of 2G sites in the country was 51,308 and 47,785 respectively.

According to the PTA document, the total length of fiberization in the country reached 151,779 km in 2023. The length of long-haul fiber is 62,860 km and the length of metro fiber is 88,919 km.

According to the PTA document, the number of mobile subscribers increased from 139.8 million in 2016-17 to 190.9 million in June 2023. Similarly, the number of broadband subscribers increased from 44.6 million in 2016-17 to 127.6 million in June 2023.

Source: Pro Pakistani