Pakistan supports South Africa’s application against Israeli atrocities in ICJ

Pakistan has supported the application filed by South Africa before the International Court of Justice against Israeli atrocities in Gaza.

This was stated by Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch at a weekly media briefing in Islamabad.

She said Pakistan considers this legal action timely and an important step towards holding Israel accountable for its well documented atrocities unleashed against the Palestinian people.

She said Pakistan shares the concerns raised in the application by South Africa. Israel’s ongoing military aggression and actions against the Palestinians constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity and amount to genocidal acts.

The spokesperson reiterated Pakistan’s call for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire in Gaza, an end to Israel’s unabated massacre of the Palestinian people, uplifting of an inhumane siege and expeditious delivery of humanitarian assistance to the Palestinians.

She said Pakistan firmly believes that the just solution to the Palestinian questio
n lies in the creation of an independent, viable, sovereign and contiguous Palestinian state with Al-Quds Al Sharif as its capital.

Source: Radio Pakistan