President lauds girl guides’ role for spreading awareness about breast cancer

President Dr. Arif Alvi has called for imparting first aid training in educational institutions to enable youth meet any emergency situation.

He was addressing the concluding ceremony of 12th All Pakistan Camp of Girls Guide Association in Islamabad today.

The President said first aid training is quite significant in saving precious human lives. He urged the girl guides, attending the camp, to inculcate in them the spirit of giving special attention to persons with disabilities.

The President said number of girl guides should be increased with enhanced awareness about the significance of their role in natural calamities. He appreciated the girl guides’ role for spreading awareness about breast cancer, physical and mental health.

The camp was attended by girl guides from all four provinces, Gilgit-Baltistan, Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Islamabad Capital Territory.

Earlier, National Commissioner Pakistan Girl Guides Association Maria Sabri briefed the participants of the ceremony about the working and programs of her organization.

She said there are total 140,000 girl guide volunteers across the country at present, who are contributing in natural disasters and any emergency situation.

Source: Radio Pakistan