Punjab’s Interim Chief Minister (CM), Mohsin Naqvi, has announced a compensation of Rs. 200,000 for individuals who were injured in accidents caused by the heavy rainfall in the province.
CM Naqvi made this announcement while visiting Ganga Ram Hospital to personally inquire about the well-being of those injured in the unfortunate wall collapse incident near Mozang Hospital on Thursday.
In a statement to the media, he shared that the collapse of a wall adjacent to a marriage hall resulted in the admission of 14 individuals to Ganga Ram Hospital, with four of them currently in critical condition. Emphasizing the government’s commitment to providing the best possible care, he assured that free medical treatment would be given to all those affected by the incident.
Furthermore, he emphasized that the compensation amount of Rs. 200,000 would be disbursed to the injured victims in the coming days, ensuring they receive the financial support they deserve.
Source: Pro Pakistani