Reports have emerged that the Sindh Food Authority has been accused of corruption by restaurant owners. A private news channel’s team uncovered this corruption during a raid on a bakery in North Nazimabad, which was sealed by the Sindh Food Authority.
The team’s reporter went to the Sindh Food Authority office and was asked for Rs. 70,000 by a man named Tahir Baloch to unseal the bakery.
The investigation aimed to expose the corruption of Deputy Director Khadim Hussain. The team secretly recorded their conversation with Baloch, who took the money and promised to provide an affidavit to de-seal the bakery. When the reporter informed the team of this, Deputy Director Hussain denied involvement and claimed he was not in the office at the time.
Further investigation revealed that Baloch was a private individual and also Hussain’s driver. The team found that the bakery had been sealed without any samples being taken.
Despite their attempts to confront Deputy Director Hussain with their findings, he avoided their questions. The team pointed out that the Sindh Food Authority’s main duty is to ensure food quality, but they are instead engaged in corruption and neglecting their responsibilities.
Source: Pro Pakistani