Two young children lost their lives and three others found themselves in critical condition after consuming a poisoned milkshake in Sahiwal. The incident occurred at their father’s home on Dispensary Road in Sahiwal.
The father had prepared the milkshake for his five kids, but shortly after drinking it, their health deteriorated rapidly, and they were taken to the Teaching Hospital. Seven-month-old Anas and three-year-old Haram succumbed to the poisoning. Meanwhile, Abeeha (13), Faiqa (11), and Emaan (6) are currently struggling for their lives.
In another tragic incident, a 14-year-old boy named Muhammad Nabi Khan lost his life due to a medical error on Tuesday. The young boy was suffering from diarrhea, which led his concerned family to rush him to the nearest doctor for immediate medical attention.
The decision to seek help proved fatal. As soon as the quack administered an injection, the boy had a severe and alarming reaction, causing rashes to rapidly spread across his body.
Instead of acknowledging the severity of the situation, the doctor callously dismissed the reaction and casually instructed the family to take the boy home. As time slipped away, the boy’s condition worsened rapidly, forcing the family to make a desperate dash to Jinnah Hospital. Regrettably, it was too late and he died just minutes after reaching the hospital.
Source: Pro Pakistani