Thousands of Patients Suffer Due to Suspension of Free Health Services Across KP

The incompetence of caretaker Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s government has put the health of thousands of patients at risk due to the suspension of free health services under the Sehat Card Plus Programme.

According to a national daily, the provincial government owes the State Life Insurance Corporation billions of rupees and so far, no progress has been made in this regard.

The officials of the Health Department have accused the caretaker government of violating the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Universal Health Coverage Act 2022 when the services provided through the Sehat Card Plus program were halted.

Talking to a local media outlet, an official stated that those responsible for the suspension of this service would be in deep trouble if someone approached the court against them.

Although the free health facility had been suspended various times in the past it was restored after a few days. However, it has been weeks this time since hospitals stopped treating patients under the sehat card.

It is worth mentioning that approximately 75% of patients across KP don’t have the resources to pay for the treatment of even minor health complications. The suspension of those card services has made things worse for them, particularly the cardiac patients.

A senior cardiologist at the Hayatabad Medical Complex (HMC) told the media outlet that most heart patients can’t afford to pay for angiography, which costs Rs.20,000.

He described the sehat card as a “blessing” for such patients but now they are unable to pay for their cardiac surgeries.

According to the Adviser to Chief Minister on Health, Prof Dr Riaz Anwar, they held a meeting with the senior officials of the insurance company. However, despite assurance, the company suspended their services.

Source: Pro Pakistani

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