Rotterdam, Oct. 28, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — What: Pre-COP27 Press Conference and Global Launch of State and Trends in Africa 2022

When: Thursday 3rd November at 13.00 – 14.00 CET

Where: Virtual. Please register your attendance here for the press conference and to receive an embargoed copy of the report.

With less than one week until COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, the Global Center on Adaptation is gathering global leaders to discuss expected outcomes from COP27 and to present the findings of its flagship report “State and Trends in Adaptation in Africa 2022” (STA22).

STA22 is the most comprehensive guide to assess progress on climate adaptation in Africa and provide guidance and recommendations on best practices in adapting to the effects of a changing climate and building resilience to climate shocks. The report highlights successful adaptation initiatives from the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP) which have the potential to be scaled up and replicated. It also presents key policies, skills and finance gaps that must be addressed if adaptation is to be effective and reach those who need it the most.


Opening address and report launch

  • Professor Patrick Verkooijen, Chief Executive Officer, Global Center on Adaptation

High-Level Speakers

  • Akinwumi Adesina, President, African Development Bank Group
  • Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Minister of State to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, for Development, Francophonie and International Partnerships
  • Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko, Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture, African Union Commission.

Technical presentation of the report

  • STA22 Co-Directors Professor Jamal Saghir and Ede Jorge Ijjasz-Vasquez

At COP26 in Glasgow last year, the global donor community promised to double finance for adaptation from the current rate of up to a quarter of climate financial flows earmarked for the developing world. It is expected at COP27 that significant progress will be made on climate finance including the delivery of the promised $100 billion a year to assist developing countries.

This year’s report found that cumulative adaptation finance to 2030 will come to less than one-quarter of the estimated needs stated by African countries in their National Determined Contributions (NDCs). In 2019 and 2020 an estimated $11.4 billion was committed to climate adaptation finance in Africa with more than 97% of the funds coming from public actors and less than 3% from the private sector. This is significantly less than the $52.7 billion annually to 2030 it is estimated African countries will need.

To increase the volume and efficacy of  adaptation finance flows to Africa over the coming decade, the report makes a number of recommendations:

  • Financial institutions must mainstream resilience into investments they are making.
  • Policy makers and other stakeholders must build an enabling environment for adaptation investment.
  • Financial innovation for adaptation must match country-level policy and market conditions.

Notes to Editors

About Global Center on Adaptation
The Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) is an international organization which works as a solutions broker to accelerate action and support for adaptation solutions, from the international to the local, in partnership with the public and private sector. Founded in 2018, GCA operates from its headquarters in the largest floating office in the world, located in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. GCA has a worldwide network of regional offices in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire; Dhaka, Bangladesh and Beijing, China.


Alex Gee

[email protected]

Chinedu Moghalu

[email protected]

Alex Gee

Global Center on Adaptation
GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8684453


NEW YORK, Oct. 28, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Dr Faika Khan CEO of CITY DOCTOR PVT. LTD. and Mr. Ali J Hashmat of CURE PARTNERS PVT. LTD. announced 100% acquisition of “The Medical laboratory Pvt. Ltd.” Doing Businesses as (DBA) “ZEENAT LAB”, one of the most renowned lab with a history of over 50 plus years serving the community. ZEENAT LAB is a pioneer in the field of diagnostics and is best known for its broad spectrum of clinical laboratory testing is designed to provide accurate and meaningful results.

Dr. Faika khan and Mr. Ali J Hashmat, embraced the opportunity to further develop ZEENAT LAB and take the legacy of Dr. Zeenat and Dr. Mubashar Hussain. This acquisition will leverage expertise in advanced clinical settings, technology, customer service, training, support combined with the intelligent design of the laboratory system and ongoing development of State of the Art software by Cure Partners. “By investing in this venture we are investing in the future of Pakistan and continuing our commitment to provide innovative solutions for its customers,” said Dr. Faika Khan and Ali J Hashmat directors and founders of City Doctors and Cure Partners.

Dr. Faika Khan is a founder and president of City Doctor and UrgentWay. She is a board certified faculty member of New York University and NorthWell University hospital and recognized among the Top Doctors in America. Mr. Ali J Hashmat is a founder of CureMD, NaVetor, UrgentWay and City Doctor.

CONTACT: Dr. Arsalan Khan CONTACT: Mr. Shan Khan, CPA
COMPANY: City Doctor COMPANY: UrgentWay
TEL: +92-42-3893-9145 TEL: +1 (201) 401-4805 


ڈاکٹر فائقہ خان، سی سی او سٹی ڈاکٹر پرائیویٹ لمیٹڈ اور محترم علی جے حشمت، سی ای او کیور پارٹنرز پرائیوٹ نے ” دی میڈیکل لیبارٹری پرائیویٹ لمیٹڈ” جو زینت لیبارٹریز کے نام سے کام کر رہی ہے  کے مکمل حصول کا اعلان کردیا

نیو یارک، 28 اکتوبر 2022ء/پی آرنیوزوائر/– سٹی ڈاکٹر پرائیویٹ لمیٹڈ کی سی ای او ڈاکٹر فائقہ خان اور کیور پارٹنرز پرائیوٹ لمیٹڈ کے جناب علی جے حشمت  نے ” دی میڈیکل لیبارٹری پرائیویٹ لمیٹڈ”  کے 100فیصد حصول کا اعلان کیا ہے  جو زینت لیب کے نام سے کاروبار کر رہی ہے اور کمیونٹی خدمات کے 50 سے زائد سالوں کی تاریخ کے ساتھ سب سے مشہور لیب میں سے ایک ہے۔ زینت لیب تشخیص کے میدان میں ایک پیشرو ہے اور کلینیکل لیبارٹری ٹیسٹنگ کے اپنے وسیع سپیکٹرم کے لئے پہچانی جاتی ہے جو درست اور  پُرمعنی نتائج فراہم کرنے کے لئے ڈیزائن کیا گیا ہے۔

ڈاکٹر فائقہ خان اور جناب علی جے حشمت نے زینت لیب کو مزید ترقی دینے اور ڈاکٹر زینت اور ڈاکٹر مبشر حسین کی میراث کو آگے بڑھانے کا موقع حاصل کیا۔ یہ حصول لیبارٹری سسٹم کے ذہین ڈیزائن اور کیور پارٹنرز کے بنائے گئے اسٹیٹ آف دی آرٹ سافٹ ویئر کی جاری ترقی کے ساتھ مل کر جدید طبی ترتیبات، ٹیکنالوجی، کسٹمر سروس، تربیت، معاونت میں مہارت کا فائدہ اٹھائے گا۔ سٹی ڈاکٹرز اینڈ کیور پارٹنرز کے ڈائریکٹرز اور بانی ڈاکٹر فائقہ خان اور علی جے حشمت نے کہا کہ اس منصوبے میں سرمایہ کاری کرکے ہم پاکستان کے مستقبل میں سرمایہ کاری کر رہے ہیں اور اپنے صارفین کو جدید حل فراہم کرنے کے اپنے عزم کو جاری رکھے ہوئے ہیں۔

ڈاکٹر فائقہ خان سٹی ڈاکٹر اینڈ ارجنٹ وے کی بانی اور صدر ہیں۔ وہ نیو یارک یونیورسٹی اور نارتھ ویل یونیورسٹی اسپتال کے بورڈ کی سرٹیفائیڈ فیکلٹی ممبر ہیں اور امریکہ میں سرفہرست ڈاکٹروں میں شمار ہوتی ہیں۔  جناب علی جے حشمت کیور ایم ڈی، نیویٹر، ارجنٹ وے اور سٹی ڈاکٹر کے بانی ہیں۔

رابطہ: ڈاکٹر ارسلان خان

کمپنی: سٹی ڈاکٹر

ٹیلیفون: 9145-3893-42-92+

رابطہ: جناب شان خان، سی پی اے

کمپنی: ارجنٹ وے

ٹیلیفون: 4805-401 (201) 1+

ډاکټر فائقہ خان، سی سی او سټی ډاکټر پرائیویټ لمیټډ او ښاغلے علی جے حشمت، سی ای او کیور پارټنرز پرائیوټ ” دی میډیکل لیبارټری پرائیویټ لمیټډ” کوم د زینت لیبارټریز نوم سره کار کوی د ده مکمل حصول اعلان وکړو۔

نیو یارک، 28 اکتوبر 2022ء/پی آرنیوزوائر/– د سټی ډاکټر پرائیویټ لمیټډ سی ای او ډاکټر فائقہ خان او کیور پارټنرز پرائیوټ لمیټډ مشر ښاغلے علی جے حشمت ” د دی میډیکل لیبارټری پرائیویټ لمیټډ” 100 فیصد حصول اعلان کړے دے کوم د زینت لیب نوم سره کاروبار کوی او د کمیونټی خدمات د 50 کالو نه زیات تاریخ سره د ټولو نه نامتو لیبز کښې یو دے۔ زینت لیب تشخیص په میدان کښې یو پیشرو دے او د کلینیکل لیبارټری ټیسټنګ خپل وسیع سپیکټرم د پاره پیژندلۍ کښږې کوم درست او  پُرمعنی نتائج فراہم کولو دپاره ډیزائن شوے دے۔

ډاکټر فائقہ خان او محترم علی جے حشمت د زینت لیب له مزید ترقی ورکولو او ډاکټر زینت او د ډاکټر مبشر حسین میراث له وړاندے تیرولو موقع حاصل کړے ده۔ دا حصول د لیبارټری سسټم ذہین ډیزائن او د کیور پارټنرز جوړ کړی اسټیټ آف دی آرټ د سافټ ویئر جاری ترقی سره یو ځائی جدید طبی ترتیبات، ټیکنالوجی، کسټمر سروس، تربیت، معاونت کښې د مہارت فائدہ به واخلی۔ سټی ډاکټرز اینډ د کیور پارټنرز ډائریکټرز او بانی ډاکټر فائقہ خان او علی جے حشمت وینا وکړه چی دے منصوبے کښې سرمایہ کاری سره مونږ د پاکستان مستقبل کښې سرمایہ کاری کو او خپل صارفینو له جدید حل فراہم کولو خپل عزم له جاری ساتی۔

ډاکټر فائقہ خان د سټی ډاکټر اینډ ارجنټ وے بانی او صدر ده۔ هغه نیو یارک یونیورسټی او د نارتھ ویل یونیورسټی اسپتال د بورډ سرټیفائیډ فیکلټی رکن ده او په امریکی کښې سرفہرست ډاکټرانو کښې شماریږی۔ ښاغلے علی جے حشمت د کیور ایم ډی، نیویټر، ارجنټ وے او د سټی ډاکټر بانی دے۔

رابطہ: ډاکټر ارسلان خان
کمپنی: سټی ډاکټر
ټیلیفون: 9145-3893-42-92+

رابطہ: محترم شان خان، سی پی اے
کمپنی: ارجنټ وے
ټیلیفون : 4805-401 (201) 1+

US vows to enhance bilateral relations with Pakistan

Minister for Finance Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar has appreciated the support of the United States for flood relief and mentioned that the US has always been a great support to Pakistan

He was talking to Ambassador of the United Stated of America to Pakistan Donald Blome who called on the Minister in Islamabad on Friday. The Finance Minister expressed the intention of the present government to further augment the bilateral relations between both the countries in fields of economy, investment and trade.

The Finance Minister highlighted that both Pakistan and the United States have historic, long-standing, extensive and durable relations. He apprised the US Ambassador about the estimated losses faced by Pakistan due to recently devastated floods.

Donald Blome expressed the same sentiments on bilateral relations between the United States of America and Pakistan. He further informed about his recent visit to flood affected areas in Pakistan and expressed sympathy on the enormous losses caused by floods. He apprised the Finance Minister on additional flood relief assistance to Pakistan by the US government in this time of crisis.

Source: Radio Pakistan

Pakistan committed to effective implementation of GSP Plus-related Int’l conventions: Naveed

Minister for Commerce and Investment, Syed Naveed Qamar met with the Executive Vice President of EU Commission and EU Trade Commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis in Brussels on Friday.

During his meeting with Valdis Dombrovskis, the Minister underscored that the GSP Plus facility had been mutually beneficial and played an important role in the growth of trade between the two sides.

He reaffirmed Pakistan’s commitment towards the effective implementation of GSP Plus-related international Conventions and hoped that the new scheme would continue to focus on its primary aims of sustainable development.

The Minister conveyed Pakistan’s desire to diversify its export portfolio to the EU by creating linkages between trade and investment.

While highlighting the importance of Pakistan-EU trade and investment relations, Vice President Dombrovskis reaffirmed EU Commission’s interest in further strengthening this partnership.

Source: Radio Pakistan

Any untoward situation to be dealt with iron hands: Rana Sanaullah

Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah has rebutted PTI leader Azam Khan Swati’s allegations regarding his arrest and handing over to security personnel.

Addressing the press briefing in Islamabad on Friday, he said no medical report has been submitted by Azam Khan Swati to support his allegations. He said Azam Khan Swati’s allegations are baseless and will be challenged legally.

The Minister said PTI leaders should not compromise their prestige just to support their leader’s anti-state agenda, but they should show some moral courage in saying the right things publicly.

Condemning the allegations of Azam Swati, Rana Sanaullah said FIA’s case against the PTI leader was lawful, completing all legalities

He said Azam Swati remained under FIA’s custody throughout the investigation and it was not even demanded by any other institution. He said during the custody, we treated him according to law and even medical facility was provided to him properly.

Regarding PTI’s long march, the Interior Minister said red zone is a red line for any such gatherings.

The Minister said any untoward situation will be dealt with strong hands as no one is above the law.

Source: Radio Pakistan